Photograph of Jazzmine Waugh

Jazzmine Waugh – RUA Coordinator, University of Washington

Jazzmine Waugh, PhD Candidate, University of Washington

RUA Affiliation: Coordinator of the University of Washington RUA National Science Foundation (NSF) AGEP grant

What is your field of study and why did you choose it?

My field is Biology. I decided to go into this field after seeing a video in an AP Environmental Science class about the Columbia Basin Pygmy rabbit. It took environmental impacts and made them relevant to my community and me.

What is your connection to RUA?

I’m both in the core audience for the program as a current PhD candidate and a coordinator.

Why did you decide to become involved in RUA?

Academia needs to change and I want to be part of it, even in a small way.

What do you find most beneficial about your participation in RUA?

Meeting lots for cool people from universities across the US that are united in our goal of diversifying STEM academia.
