RUA Events
Events sponsored by RUA focus on the advancement of underrepresented minorities (URM) doctoral candidates, postdoctoral scholars and early-career faculty in the Mathematical, Physical, and Environmental Sciences, and Engineering (MPESE) disciplines.
RUA Events and Professional Development
The Research University Alliance employs multiple participant-focused interventions to facilitate the advancement of URM doctoral candidates, postdoctoral scholars and early-career faculty in MPESE disciplines: a doctoral candidate and postdoctoral scholar research exchange across partnering institutions; an on-line portal to facilitate placement and hiring of postdoctoral scholars; a faculty advancement initiative for postdoctoral scholars transitioning into early-career faculty positions; and a suite of academic community-building activities to enhance faculty career pathways, such as targeted professional development, cohort building and network development.

Upcoming Professional Development Events
Faculty Job Search Bootcamp
AGEP Research University Alliance – Faculty Job Search Bootcamp, May 17-20, 2021 Are you go
Writing a Compelling Teaching Statement
This event is part of series: NSF AGEP Research University Alliance Speaker: Amanda Modell, Assoc
The Institutional Landscape Panel | May 27
This event is part of series: NSF AGEP Research University Alliance The Institutional Landscape P
Creating spaces to connect and collaborate since 2014
Annual Conference
The Conference will feature opportunities for cross-institutional exchange and professional development between doctoral students, alumni, postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and professional scientists from the participating universities.